Young Artists
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FAQs and Application

Young Artists Market FAQs
What is the Young Artists Market (YAM)?
A day-long event giving high school-aged creators the opportunity to sell their work and interact with other makers.
When/where is YAM?
March 1st, 2020, 12-4pm
at the Katonah Museum of Art (134 Jay St, Katonah, NY 10536)
How do I apply?
Fill out an application here
by the February 14th deadline.
It only takes a few minutes!
How can I learn how to sell my art?
Come to the KMA on Monday, February 10th from 4-6pm for Artist to Artist: Marketing Your Art to participate in an interactive discussion with artist & entrepreneur Tyler Wallach. This workshop is for teen artists and focuses on how to transform your artistic practice into products and handmade items for sale. Tyler shares his story of success from street artist to pop-up shop extraordinaire and offers tips and advice to teens interested in participating in KMA's upcoming Young Artist Market.
You must RSVP for this FREE workshop at education@katonahmuseum.org
See Tyler Wallach's work here
What kind of work can I sell?
Think outside the box! Anything from prints, jewelry, photography, works of art, and pottery, to original music compositions or poems, as long as you made it yourself!
Who can come?
The event is open to the public. We encourage friends and neighbors to stop by and support the creative teens in our communities!
Does the museum take any commission?
No, all transactions are handled directly between vendors and customers. Payment is usually made in cash, but we also recommend supporters download the app Venmo to be able to pay digitally.